Monday, March 17, 2008

And it begins...

Guess im gonna do this blog thing, cause there isnt much else to do and all…

So recently; since my day is occupied more and more by nothingness and less frequently by actual soldiering , I have had a lot of time to sit and think and discover. My battle buddy here is an armorer as a civilian. So he is very familiar with weapons and specifically rifles. So a lot of the time I have been spending has been me looking at rifles, scopes, schools, and recently the qualifications for a Scout Sniper. The reason I mention will follow shortly, though to some it may seem obvious.

You see, I am getting so burnt out with the Army and what they have to offer me. More and more the issues that are being addressed are those that concern specifically the senior leadership. You can see it all around but the greatest example can be seen when a soldier makes a mistake. I am not talking about a soldier just plain screwing up. I am talking about an honest mistake. It because clear to me after I did something similar and was corrected. You see. When someone doesn’t know something and they therefore act or react incorrectly because of this lack of knowledge, it should be the action of those responsible to correct the soldier, not by disciplinary means, but by educative means. Disciplining and adult, a grown individual, a proud soldier, does not usually produce the desired effect. More often than not, instead of correcting the action, you scorn the individual. This is for two possible reasons. One, you have embarrassment. Nobody likes to be embarrassed, to be called out on something they did incorrectly. It’s uncomfortable and potentially scarring. The other reason that usually presents is the lack of a real correction. In the event you do something wrong, it should be made clear what was wrong. But of equal importance is the correct action. Without that information, it is likely the soldier will make a similar or even the same mistake in the near future.

So since I went every which way in that paragraph and don’t really feel like going through to find where I should be, I will leave it and continue on with what I am getting at.

Scout Sniper.

So, silly as it may seem, I am beginning to feel strongly called to this particular job specialty. For one reason in particular.

“We're looking for individuals that can operate on their own.”

I am a loner by nature. I have great difficulty working in groups. Not that I can’t and not because I don’t like to, though that is the case from time to time. But because of my inability to trust others to accomplish their part of the job. That is the single greatest issue I have faced in the military. It can be blamed in part on the issue I mentioned previously. Of senior leadership looking out for themselves before their soldiers. I cant trust them to take care of me when I need them to. Yet I am still required to be at their heels ready for anything.

Screw that. If they want my loyalty. They will earn it. Its not a benefit of rank, the only benefit of rank is pay. Everything else is earned. And there is no easy way to earn it.


Anonymous said...

lol, I love you Ryan.. your intellectual way in which you talk has always been so intriguing to me :P

So, First of all, You don't always spend your day doing absolutely nothing important. Let's not forget you spend most hours of your days TALKING TO ME! :D ;) And if you have to be bored doing nothing- what a better way to spend your time, right?? :P

Second- I still think you are the greatest soldier out there and even though I explained all of this the other day, you know that even as much of a pain as things are now you're still a hero and what you do and what youre about to do is NOBEL. :)

Ive never seen or thought of you doing anything else with your life other than the army/army-like things. Not because I dont think youre capable, but because this is all youve talked about since I met you when we were young! So whether you are serving in the army or being a sniper - I know youre going to be #1 and do it with all youve got. Cause thats who you are and thats why I love you!!

Just whatever you do- be safe & come home!!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha Where to even start?!?!?! Since day one..... I have always thought you a military man.... more so a sniper type... because it's just you and fits your personality and you're coldhearted enough to do it :p and I really truly can't see you doing anything else.. some people were born to be soldiers... and you are one of them..... and like everything else in life... you have to deal with Bullshit. So suck it up.... and just BE ALL YOU CAN BE..... hahahahha :D

Dennis Ashley said...

OK, Ryan...I can definitely see you excelling in the training. I wonder if anybody ever knows whether they can pull the trigger for real until it comes right down to it. Frankly, I am not sure that you will enjoy the actual job as much as all of the peripheral training and skills that go with it. But go for it! It's good training. Remember, though, even a sniper has a spotter, and you will have to be able to trust that person with your life...and vice versa.
Love, Dad.